Individual Sessions
You have read the self-help books, listened to the podcasts, done the weekly yoga, and tried daily meditation
but still end up feeling the way you do. Nothing has helped long term.
Now, you are ready to take a deep-dive and figure out what baggage is left to unpack.
What to keep and what to let go.
And most importantly, what do you want instead.
Thank you for considering me. We will be a good fit if you are ready to:
learn why your life pattern is on rinse/spin/repeat cycle.
learn what your core wound beliefs are.
change your beliefs so you can love yourself and others in a healthy way.
learn how to say no to others so you can say yes to yourself first.
invest your time and energy to learn and practice new ways of being.
understand and accept that your life will only change if you are willing to put in the effort to change it.
Nothing changes unless something changes
Sessions are 75 minutes either on-line zoom or in-person.
We focus on the self-limiting beliefs that lie underneath what is keeping you stuck. For example:
I need to be perfect
I am not valuable or important
I am not good enough as I am
I don't deserve _______ (insert: happiness, money, a good relationship, an easy life)
I don’t trust myself
If people knew the ‘real’ me they wouldn’t like me
Using the belief change techniques of
PSYCH-K® or Emotional Freedom Techniques
our journey will take us from where
you are now to where you want to be:
I am good just the way I am.
My best is good enough.
I am important and valuable.
I deserve the have the life I want to live.
I trust myself and my intuition.
I like myself regardless of what others may think or say.
After each session you will feel better, clearer, self-empowered
and ready to make the life changes that feel right.
Individual Session is $100 CAD.
Pre-pay five sessions $475 CAD.
Coming Soon November 2024:
Group coaching
Personalized Retreats
On-line Membership