Easy mindfulness with The 5 minute journal

This journal idea was created by UJ Ramdas and Alex Ikonn – and is both a practice and a product.

You can find the story at www.fiveminutejournal.com where they state:
"The simplest thing you can do to start your day happier by focusing on the positive and becoming more mindful. The Five Minute Journal’s guided and structured exercises will lead you down a path toward an enhanced version of the person you already are."

The prompts that you answer in the morning before you get out of bed are:

  • 3 things I am grateful for – I add a mental appreciation of why.

  • 3 things that will make today great

  • 1 affirmation for my day – I add my word of the year to this.

The prompts you answer at night as you get into bed:

  • 3 amazing things that happened today

  • How could I have made today even better?

  • I add – a rating out of 10 of how I did with my intention word in my affirmation and congratulate myself on whatever I had done.

This works for me when I consistently do it because it helps to positively frame the beginning and ending of each day.
When I do this I have a brighter and more positive outlook and motivation for each day. As well, in the evening I like looking back at my "make today great" answers to check if I did them.

Click here for my 4 minute video describing in more detail and access to my pdf.


How people pleasing can kill you - Dr Gabor Mate.