Books that started my healing journey in 1988.
In 1988 at the age of 23 I learned about the program of Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA), and my healing journey began. Although my parents never drank and there wasn’t alcohol in my house, they both had residual wounding from prior alcoholic relationships. That, coupled with a myriad of mental health issues created an unhealthy emotional and physical environment for me.
At age 17 I left - with no support, guidance, or concept of healthy relationship behaviours. I look back now and see all the signs of being emotionally blunted and disconnected from myself and others from a foundation of avoidant attachment disorder. I did however have a well developed coping skill of being a people pleaser, and human chameleon which allowed me to survive in all situations.
The ACOA program provided me with a framework to start unraveling my depression and the confusing feelings and emotions I had but couldn’t name. I began learning about co-dependency, shame, self-blame, fear, and my wounded inner-child. I was so relieved to know I wasn’t alone and through reading people’s stories I began to see a way out of the emotional pain and confusion I was in.
Below is a list of books that helped me before information was available on the internet. They are now available on Amazon, so have a look and see if they resonate with you:
Adult Children of Alcoholics Syndrome: A Step By Step Guide To Discovery And Recovery.
by Wayne Kritsberg
Healing the Shame that Binds You.
Family Secrets.
by John Bradshaw
Adult Children of Alcoholics
by Janet Woititz
Little Miss Perfect
by Megan Le Boutillier
The 12 Steps to Self-Parenting for Adult Children
by Patricia O'Gorman & Philip Oliver-Diaz
Healing the Child Within: Discovery and Recovery for Adult Children of Dysfunctional Families.
by Charles L. Whitfield